The bulk of Fairphones sales have been directly through its website where the Fairphone 3 costs €450 shipped from its native Netherlands. Vodafone is offering the phone from £32 per month with a £49 up front cost. If you need a phone and admire the Fairphone 3’s cause, it’s a good price. There was four years between the second and third Fairphones, but we reviewed the new model and were left impressed. It’s perhaps a tad expensive for the specs, but that’s not what you’re paying for here. You’re buying into the idea that the technology industry can be sustainably and ethically sound – something no other smartphone company in the world, sadly, can claim.

The Fairphone 3 is modular, meaning you can disassemble and replace components like the battery and other parts if and when they break. The only thing will be hoping Fairphone continues to stock the parts long enough – but at present the company stocks a huge range of parts for all three of its phones, so you should be fine. There are cheaper phones with better specs out there, but none are equipped to last as long as the Fairphone, and no tech purchase will make you feel better about splashing out.   Henry is Tech Advisor’s Phones Editor, ensuring he and the team covers and reviews every smartphone worth knowing about for readers and viewers all over the world. He spends a lot of time moving between different handsets and shouting at WhatsApp to support multiple devices at once.

The Fairphone 3 is available on contract at Vodafone UK - 91